About Me

Hey! I’m Claudia Valdivieso, christian ✝️, wife 👫, mother 👨‍👩‍👦 and front-end 👩‍💻 (yep, in that order). I'm currently working as a Engineer at Draftea.

I grew up in Trujillo, a city in northern Peru, graduated with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I spend my free time playing with my boy, reading, running, biking, and enjoying time with friends and family in Lima - Peru.

Santiago and me




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    I became a mom 🤱

    Great year to have a child, huh? The delivery was a bit difficult but God was with us 🙌


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    Software Engineer at Able.co 👩‍💻

    Software development with React and Ruby on Rails (I'm not an expert in Rails but I can do some things 😅)

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    Organize the fourth UND Talk 🗣️

    On June, the talk was about DevOps a call for creativity.

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    Organize the third UND Talk 🗣️

    On June, the talk was about Integrating marketing with technology.

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    Organize the second UND Talk 🗣️

    On May, the talk was about Confidence.

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    Organize the first UND Talk 🗣️

    On May, the talk was about Agile y Growth mindset.

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    Managing internal tech talks at UND - Grupo El Comercio 🗣️

    I organize the internal tech talks on my work with my dear friend Pedro Pairazamán.

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    Talk about front-end at Laboratoria

    Together with Kathia and Daniela we went to Laboratoria again on January to talk about the live as front-end developers.